El Hadi Caoui

Department of Management, UTM
3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, Canada

Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
105 St. George Street, Toronto, Canada

Email: elhadi.caoui at rotman.utoronto.ca

El Hadi Caoui

I am an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Toronto, appointed at the Department of Management (University of Toronto Mississauga), and cross-appointed at the Rotman School of Management.

I am an economist specializing in Empirical Industrial Organization. My research interests include the estimation of entry models, auction models, and topics related to technology/IP and competition policy. I have worked on a variety of industries, including agricultural and natural resources, e-commerce and retail, telecommunications, and entertainment.

How to pronounce my last name? Sa-wee. The short version of my first name is "Hadi."

publications & working papers
  • Diversification, Market Entry, and the Global Internet Backbone (with Andrew Steck)
    Abstract   |    Download (Last updated: Mar 2024)   |    SSRN
  • Dynamic Entry & Spatial Competition: An Application to Dollar Store Expansion (with Brett Hollenbeck and Matthew Osborne)
    Abstract   |    Download (Last updated: Jun 2024)   |    SSRN
  • The Impact of Dollar Store Expansion on Local Market Structure and Food Access (with Brett Hollenbeck and Matthew Osborne)
    Abstract   |    Download (Last updated: Jun 2024)   |    SSRN
  • Bid Rigging and Umbrella Damages (with John Asker, Vikram Kumar, and Enrico De Magistris) - CPI Antitrust Chronicle, October, 2023
    Abstract   |    Download (Last updated: Oct 2023)
  • Secret Reserve Prices by Uninformed Sellers (with Pasha Andreyanov) - Quantitative Economics, 13(3), 1203-1256, 2022
    Abstract   |    Download (Last updated: Feb 2022)   |    SSRN
  • Estimating the Costs of Standardization: Evidence from the Movie Industry - Review of Economic Studies, 90(2), 597–633, 2023
    Abstract   |    Download (Last updated: Mar 2022)   |    Online Appendix
  • A Study of Umbrella Damages from Bid-Rigging - Journal of Law and Economics, 65(2), 239-277, 2022
    Young Economists' Essay Award - EARIE 2019
    Abstract   |    Download (Last updated: Feb 2021)

work in progress
  • Consumer Demand with Social Influences with Chiara Farronato, John J. Horton, and Robert Schultz
  • Ownership Fragmentation and Copyright Licensing with Alberto Galasso